A Firsthand Look into the Snacktime Explorers' Classroom in Chicago

As our Marketing Coordinator, I have been actively involved with our SnackTime Explorers Program from its early days. I remember when the program was just an idea, a way that we could provide educational support to accompany our FRESHEALTH fresh-cut fruit and veggie packs. Now, just one year later, I was able to see the program come to life at  John M. Smyth Elementary School. 

Stepping into that Chicago elementary school was more than just witnessing a lively world of learning; it was my first time seeing our work in action. The first-grade classroom walls were adorned with posters teaching numbers, letters, and emotions, balanced with themes of butterflies and nature, with artificial vines and greenery that made the space feel fun and inviting. 

The students were thrilled to have us as guests and felt really special that we took part in their SnackTime Explorers lesson with them. Their eyes lit up as soon as they saw us, and were immediately intrigued when learned we were their special guests. A few students were ready to chat right away, firing off questions like, "Where are you guys from?” and “Have you ever tried butternut squash?”, which was the veggie they were sampling that day. One memorable moment was a spirited girl encouraging her classmates not to dismiss the new food as “gross” but to share what they liked or suggest ways to make it better. This moment made me truly proud to be a part of an initiative that helps shape the way students approach fresh produce.  


For me personally, this visit stirred strong feelings. This wasn’t just about the vibrant classroom; it was my first time seeing the direct impact of our efforts. I chose to work for DNO – the commitment to putting kids first. Seeing their faces light up with curiosity and excitement validated the idea that choosing to be a part of a team that prioritizes children was the right call. This experience made me even more determined to refine our SnackTime Explorers program based on the insights shared by teachers and students about their experiences. 

For teachers, our program has been a game-changer, providing much-needed clarity in navigating the USDA’s Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program. With a structured approach and tools to track student progress, teachers now have an engaging program to teach their students about fresh fruits and vegetables - and not feel left in the dark. We’re beyond excited to be behind an initiative that supports teachers in this way.  


Reflecting on that day, I remember the joy and excitement of kids and the realization that some were dealing with tough stuff at home. That classroom wasn’t just a place to learn – it was a safe place where friendship and learning came together. 

These moments underscore why I’m proud to be a part of DNO. In that lively classroom, were not just talking about healthy eating – we’re planting seeds of curiosity and healthy habits in these kids’ minds because, at DNO, kids always come first. 

DNO Produce